Langwitches - Flat Stanley Podcast
This first podcast was from a first grade class that just finished reading "Flat Stanley" by Jim Brown. The class then made their very own Flat Stanley's and sent them to friends and family around the country and received stories and images back. After the students saw the world-wide success of this podcast they decided to make their own.
The students and teacher both brainstormed about a story line so that they could all be a part of the new podcast. The students were then assigned homework. The students had to pick a destination and then borrow a book from the library and research that place. After they researched the destination, together with their parents they read the book and wrote a short script. The script had to include: the location, the way that they got there, what they did when they got there, and of course how they got back home.
- The location (City, State, Country, and/or Continent)
- How did they get there (transportation)?
- What did they do at that location?
- How did they get back home?
I would definitely recommend listening to this podcast. It was a great idea by the teacher and of course hearing first graders read is really cute. Go listen to it here!
The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom by Joe Dale
Podcasting is a very effective way of interacting with students outside of the traditional classroom. In this video commentated by Doug Saunders, posted on this blog by Joe Dale, he touches on some great ways to use podcasting and the benefits of it. Mr. Saunders tells us how podcasting is beneficial to "Millenials," which are considered babies born after 1980. These students have not experienced, essentially, any part of their life without technology. Podcasting teaches students higher order thinking skills and develops a more in-depth learning experience. Podcasts can also be beneficial to students who are forced to miss school for being sick, or other reasons. The student could download any lecture from their teacher in a podcast form and listen to the lecture. Students could learn at home and in bed, while eating a bowl of tomato soup!
Judy Scharf Podcast Collection
Ms. Scharf's first post on her blog is titled What is a Podcast?. It is a cross between a "broadcast" and "iPod." It is a radio-style talk show and can be downloaded using iTunes or any other podcast hosting service. Podcasts can cover many different information from humorous to educational. It is very easy to do your own podcasting. All that it requires is a microphone, a computer (which you obviously have), and software, which can be easily downloaded for free. If you have any questions on how to create a podcast I recommend you watch this short 4:00 video on how to get started.
Also, one other note. I work a full-time job and during the day I spend probably up to 4 hours listening to different podcasts. They are really a great listen and once you start listening to a podcast that you find you like, you'll be hooked. I promise. Take a visit to the iTunes Store and get started!
Thorough, Thoughtful, Personalized, Well Done! Thanks!