Sunday, October 21, 2012

C4T #2

Post 1
Image of materials donated for canned food driveI was assigned to Ms. Lara's Blog for the 2nd C4T assignment. I commented on her blog post Reaching out into the Community, even in 4-K that was posted on February 7, 2012. The post discussed ways in which students in her 4-K class could give back to the community. She suggested holding a food or clothing drive for the class so the students can learn to give to the community at a young age. Young children can also choose a toy that they don't play with anymore to give to the community. Judging by the picture, the food drive held in her class over the 2011 holiday season was very successful.
In my comment, I agreed with the importance of giving back to the community. I told her that I have a 4-year-old niece who would benefit from this lesson. She, along with many 4-year-olds, have toys that they have grown out of and don't play with anymore. I suggested that we could ask her to choose one or two toys each month that don't get played with to give to a child who doesn't have many toys. Thinking about it now, Toy Story 3 could be a good, age appropriate video to show the class on donating toys. The toys can be donated to a day care or donated to a child who would play with the toys and take good care of them. I'm glad that Ms. Lara used her 4-K class to reach out the community and shared their success on her blog.

Post 2
Ms. Lara did not have any new posts on her blog since I commented for post 1. I scrolled down to a post that was used to thank EDM310 students, like myself, who have been commenting on her blog posts. Ms. Lara was an EDM310 student at South Alabama and said that she felt honored that Dr. Strange would choose her blog as a blog to be used for the C4T assignments.
In my comment, I told Ms. Lara that I am glad that she is using the information taught in the class in her preschool classroom. I can see how she uses her blog to keep parents and the community involved in her preschool classroom. I wrote that I would also feel honored if in the future my blog (that I will use to keep my students, their parents, and the community involved in the class) is chosen by Dr. Strange to be used as a blog for the C4T assignment. Her blog was a great example of how I can use blogging in my classroom.

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